Rita*purple 22*紫

22 兩個二

星期三, 8月 10, 2011

Childisco present "We Are Born To Be Free" 小孩迪斯可之人們生而就是自由的

Childisco present "We Are Born To Be Free" 小孩迪斯可之人們生而就是自由的
時間:2011/8/12 22:30 - 8/13 3:30
地點:Revolver 台北市中正區羅斯福路一段1-2號
現場票 / NT$350 附一杯飲料AT DOOR / NT$350 ( with 1 DRINKS )


DJ Kay

VJ Drew
VJ Rita*purple 22*紫

活動消息 (event)
為什麼要辦party ?這是人們一開始問我的反應
我想了一下(感覺很像小淘氣尼古丁那部電影裡老師問他長大要做什麼 ?)

我想藉由 party 可以帶給人們快樂和活力應該是主要的原因吧當然也想傳達某些訊息 ,這次的主題是 " We Are Born To Be Free "人們生來就是自由的


最重要的是讓 “心” 自由 ,“心” 自由了 很多外在的因素都會改變,但又要如何讓心自由呢?

藉由 畫畫 跳舞 聽音樂 運動 旅行 靜坐......等等的都可以讓心慢慢打開

而一場好的 party 更可以讓人們“一同”感受音樂的美好及力量,藉此也更拉近心與心的距離

這次特地邀請mental audio podcast 主腦 DJ ND U
以及台灣數一數二的女性電子創作人 Kolette
還有超強 VJ 團隊 緲思視嚼/Muse Whisper VJ Team
其中的一員-VJ 小紫 -為我們提供絕佳視覺影像

Childisco 小孩迪斯可 是我自創的品牌
意思就是希望能永保赤子之心 讓自己的心不斷的舞動

成長於南非,但卻是一位不折不扣的台灣之子。由於酷愛house music,在南非完成音響工程學位之後,便決定前往英國的曼徹斯特參加Technics認證的DJ課程,磨鍊精進自己的打碟技巧。07年學成歸國後,立刻以新秀之姿拿下台北The Face Night Club DJ大賽的冠軍。曾於 Luxy, The Face, Ageha Taipei, , champagne3, Barcode, , inhouse, The Soho擔任客座DJ。為了推廣更優質的電子音樂,NDU目前在台北樂利路的 Villa-herbs駐場及統籌音樂;此外,由NDU每月嚴選的”Mental Audio” Podcast 網路電台,也引起熱烈迴響,大獲好評。如果你還沒有感受過NDU的音樂魔力,現在就開始吧!

DJ Kay
從愛聽音樂到音樂工作者的DJ KAY 經歷許多音樂曲風時期
“Lounge Lounge Records” 販售一些獨立廠牌的Lounge ,Electronica 唱片. 2004 年開始踏入 DJ 生涯, 陸續與一些時尚品牌合作擔任秀場DJ ,2005 年底受邀至日本沖繩表演, 2006 年成立自己的音樂品牌Childisco [小孩迪斯可]. 放歌曲風不受侷限的她從Jazz Funk , Rock, Pop, Indie dance到 Deep House, Tech-house都是DJ KAY的盤中常客。遊走在地下藝文到時尚走秀中Kay的音樂是一種品質保證.堅持自己的音樂信念的KAY目前駐場於台北的 FiFi Lounge & Barcode.經歷許多派對、走秀、專輯混音已及音樂工作. 對他而言音樂是他的生命,也背負更多使命

KOLETTE從小就是一個音樂迷,在青少年期就慢慢壓不住玩音樂的慾望與團長表姊組了個女生叛克樂團,並於樂團中擔任吉他手。隨後經歷了貢寮海洋音樂祭,野台開唱等多個音樂表演。受到電子音樂的多元及變化跟延伸出的各種類型曲風引響,讓她逐漸對電子音樂產生出濃烈的興趣,也積極地接觸電腦音樂創作,在結束樂團生活後加入Tripper Reocrds,並和Child disco才華洋溢的Dj KAY合作過數場舞曲ive形式的表演,經過了時間的洗禮讓創作逐步成熟銳變為屬於自己的聲音。2008年開始接觸DJ,對舞曲的熱愛很難阻止她找機會把喜歡的音樂分享出去.
躍動的節奏配上低音線條,低語呢喃的人聲裡逐漸跳脫出更種音效呈現出獨特的律動感在Techno,Minimal,House的類型裡面遊走.這次在 Childisco present "We are born to be free"的活動KOLETTE將在舞曲編制中隱隱透露出她喜歡類型的廣泛

VJ Rita*purple 22*紫

屬於 緲思視嚼/Muse Whisper VJ Team 一員
並經常與各類型音樂人一起合作"聲音與影像" audio/visual 的相關結合創作!

VJ Drew
於08年進入Muse Whisper VJ Team,

Party Introduce

“Why you want to host a party?” people all asked me the same question when they heard the news. I think about it. (it reminds me the movies< Little Nicholas>, Nicholas has to answer his teacher “What do you want to be when you grow up?”)

The main reason for me would be to spread out the happiness and vitality to the people.

For sure I want to deliver some messages too!! Like the theme of the party— “We Are Born to be free” points out the fact of what we truly are.

We’ve often got the feeling of being limited by external environment and many other factors.

In fact, it’s all our mindset doing to limit ourselves.

The most important is to set your “heart” free, when it does, the reality will change accordingly.

BUT how? How to set our “heart” free?

I would say to paint a picture, to dance, to listen to a music, to take exercise, to travel, to meditate…etc., these all could help to open your heart gradually.

Nevertheless, a great party could bring out the beauty and power of the music and get the vibes “together”.

The party also closes the heart distance between us.

This time, we will give you the great music; specially invite the soul of Mental Audio Podcast DJ ND Yu, and one of the best techno music producers, Kolette.
And the extraordinary visual images from an excellent VJ team Muse Whisper.
As to me DJ KAY? Well, please look forward to the surprises that I prepare for all of you.

Childisco is my own brand, which means to wish you remaining your utter innocence and keeping your heart beats its own rhythm constantly.

ND U is a DJ grew up in South African now located in Taiwan where he was born. During the time he lived in South Africa, he was deeply influenced and mesmerized by the sound of African house music. After graduating from Sound engineering Course in college he then flied to U.K and successfully completed a course in Advance DJ techniques that is endorsed by the legendary turntable manufacture TECHNICS In Manchester. In 2007 he returned to his native land Taiwan and won the Club House DJ Competition held at The Face Night club in Taipei. As a complete outsider, having been on the island for just 3 weeks, he was able to impress the crowd with his raw talent.
ND U has developed an unique and distinctive sound over the years and he is addicted to Deep, groovy and techy baselines that makes our body move. Every single mix of his is different from the last, but encapsulating the essential rhythm and groove that is synonymous with ND U’s sound. Currently holding a residency at Villa-herbs Taipei and he aims to introduce freshest quality tunes to the crowd with his newly created on line podcast lable “Mental Audio”.

DJ Kay
From a music lover to a music worker, KAY’spassion towards music encouraged her to take on her DJ’ing career in year 2004. Before that she use to own a record shop [Lounge Lounge Resords] that supports
independent labels located in the east side of Taipei. 2005 She was invited to perform in Okinawa and established her own Lable [Childisco] in 2006.
Styles from Jazz Funk , Rock, Pop, Indie dance to Deep House,Tech-house can be heard from her usual sets.Holding two residencies at the moment, “FiFi Lounge Bar” and “Barcode” Taipei. She is often involved in various kinds of parties; fashion shows as well as cultural and artistic events.

DJ Kolette
KOLETTE has music gene in her cells; she is fond of it when she was little and keeps playing music in her teens. Finally KOLETTE, as a guitar player, formed a Punk Band with her cousin and performed in many music festivals, such as Hohaiyan Rock Festival, Formoz Festival…etc.
Influenced by wild varieties and ranges of Electronic music and associates types, KOLETTE becomes highly interested in adding electronic technology elements to her works. She joins Tripper Records right after the Punk Band dismissed; meanwhile she cooperates with the characteristically brilliant DJ KAY of Childisco in many Live Dancing Performances. With experience accumulation, her composing works have transformed and stand out for her own individuality.
KOLETTE extents herself into DJ field in 2008, the fond of dancing music is the key motivation for her to share music out in any possible chances. Her style is to combine the enlivened rhythm in low-pitched tone, along with people whisper their emotions, all those elements create multiple sound effects blending into Techno, Minimal, House types, which demonstrate an unique groove rhythm.
This time, in the Childisco present "We are born to be free" event, KOLETTE will reveal her latest dancing music arrangement with broad range of interests in life and music types.



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